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Natural Awakenings Atlanta

Ma’at Releases Self-Discovery Workbook

Oct 01, 2021 06:00AM ● By Staff

Tassili Ma’at, owner of Tassili’s Raw Reality vegan café in Atlanta, recently released her new book, Journey to Selfulness.

Journey is a self-discovery workbook designed to take the reader on a journey of self-love, which Ma’at considers the root of self-fulfillment. Ma’at describes “selfulness” as what happens when one is “full of so much love for themselves that they have an overflow and abundance of love for others.”  

The workbook gives the reader space to chronicle their daily thoughts and actions through the lunar cycle as a way to journey together with the author. 

“This book is not just another self-help workbook,” says Ma’at. “It is deeply rooted in spiritual work that will take every reader on a journey of transformation, through the shadow work, making them whole and ready to fulfill their calling in life.”

“This is the best workbook for journaling and unfolding your true destiny,” says wealth and wellness coach Steffanie Haggins.

Journey to Selfulness can be purchased in person at Tassili’s Raw Reality café and online at or Amazon. 

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