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Natural Awakenings Atlanta

Letter to the Editor: A Muslim Perspective

Jan 01, 2024 10:55AM ● By Angelo Omari

As a long-time reader of the Atlanta edition of Natural Awakenings, I read with particular interest the December Letter from the Publisher and the article, “Our Spiritual Leaders Speak”— about the horrid conflict waging in Gaza. 

I appreciate publisher Paul Chen’s bold assertion of the Christian edict to “Love thy Enemy” as well as the call for a return to humanity from diverse religious leaders. I am compelled, as a practicing Muslim, to offer an Islamic perspective that aligns with these sentiments. 

The Quran states, “Whoever kills an innocent person, it is as if he has killed all of humanity.” (5:32) No matter the claim or motive—attacks on the innocent have no support in Islamic teachings. Prophet Muhammed and his followers were persecuted constantly during his early sojourn. He did not retaliate for many years until he was given divine revelation to defend himself and the small Muslim community. 

Even then, acts of war were to be measured with a long list of prohibitions to prevent excessive loss of life and property including the protection of synagogues, churches, temples, and other places of worship. The brazen, cowardly acts of Hamas and the resulting toll on human life is not characteristic of the Palestinian people. 

Unrestrained extremism of any stripe is condemnable and cannot stand. Likewise, the disproportionate response by Israel is to be denounced as it has been by many Jewish groups, anti-Zionists and people of goodwill all over the world. 

Ultimately war is the utter lack of imagination in a Universe full of Abundance. Only lacking mentalities resort to violence for a just end. Humanity must prevail or I fear hope will be our greatest casualty.

Angelo Omari, Decatur

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