MOON ORGANICS: New Location, New Natural Facelifting Services
Dec 01, 2020 09:30AM ● By Nicholas Bruckman
MOON Organics is now offering Sculptural Face Lifting facials, a method developed by Russian facial master Yakov Gershkovich, which improves the appearance of the facial structure without injections or surgery. The technique can also help relieve tension and release blocked emotions and traumas that are held deep within the facial muscles.
“There are no risks, no prep and no need for recovery,” says owner Susan Gonzalez. “Unlike injections, your muscles can move and show expression, but your overall appearance is more youthful.”
The technique gets the facial muscles to relax deeply and provides a healing effect due to increased circulation, nerve stimulation and lymphatic drainage and detox. Excess fluids can be removed, helping to fine-tune the structure of the face. The manipulation of the skin also increases oxygenation and lymph flow, giving it a smooth and supple look and feel.
“It’s like passive fitness for the face,” says Gonzalez. “Getting a session is like taking your face to the gym. The muscles are worked and trained to tighten and relax where they are supposed to.”
Gonzalez holds a degree in nursing and is a licensed esthetician, certified clinical aromatherapist and certified cancer coach. She has been working in healthcare for over 35 years and is the author of 100 Perks of Having Cancer plus 100 Health Tips for Surviving It. She received her certification in Sculptural Face Lifting under Gershkovich.MOON Organics recently moved to a new location at The Holbrook of Decatur Day Spa at 1882 Clairmont Road in Decatur. The new spa space is larger than its predecessor, and parking is easier.
“In this time of the pandemic, our new location and the COVID policies we have in place ensure that everyone is treated with the utmost care and safety,” says Gonzalez.
For more information or to book an appointment, visit or or email [email protected].