Feb 01, 2025 06:00AM ● By Kris Urquhart
Place the mixture into a bowl. Add the mushroom powder and combine by kneading with hands. Roll dough into bite-sized balls or flatten into a pan and cut into squares.
Deglaze the pan with the entire bottle of red wine and add enough chicken stock to cover the short ribs. Add cocoa powder, rosemary, cloves and vinegar, and mix until the cocoa powder is dissolved.
Add all ingredients in a 12-ounce mug. Add just enough hot water (almost boiling) to cover the cacao. Whisk by hand or with a frother.
Mix everything in batches in a coffee grinder until the mixture is powdered. Store in an airtight container for 30 days.
Place cherries and honey in a blender and blend until smooth.
Jan 01, 2025 06:00AM ● By Kris Urquhart
Place all ingredients in a blender and blend well. To thicken, add a few ice cubes or place smoothie in the freezer for 7 to 10 minutes.
Mix greens, fermented veggies, beans, flaxseeds and walnuts in a bowl. Drizzle with lemon juice and olive oil. Top with grilled salmon and/or avocado slices.
Cook grain, vegetables and protein, depending on choice of ingredients. To build, layer grain as the base and add vegetables, protein and toppings.
Add onion, garlic, celery and 2 to 3 tablespoons of water to a pot. Sauté for 3 to 4 minutes until softened, adding more water as needed to prevent sticking.
Dec 01, 2024 06:00PM ● By Kris Urquhart
Bake cookies for 15 minutes. Halfway through baking, remove from oven and make marks with a fork, if desired.
Dec 01, 2024 06:00AM ● By Kris Urquhart
Form the dough into walnut size balls and arrange on the baking sheet, allowing about an inch between each cookie for rising. With a wet thumb, make an indent in each cookie.
Preheat a conventional oven to 350° F or convection oven to 325° F. Line two baking sheets with parchment paper.
Natural Awakenings of Atlanta