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Natural Awakenings Atlanta

Women's Month

May 01, 2021 01:00PM ● By Diane Eaton
Did you know?
• One in three women is diagnosed with cancer over their lifetime, but, overall, cancer death rates have declined by 1.4% each year for the last 15 years.
• One in three American women die of heart disease, but they are often misdiagnosed since their symptoms tend to be different from men’s.
• 80% of those suffering from autoimmune disorders—including fibromyalgia, lupus, celiac disease, Type 1 diabetes and rheumatoid arthritis—are women.

In our feature story this month, “Integrative Women’s Wellness,” on page 18, you’ll find an illuminating overview of the current state of women’s health issues. The article doesn’t just discuss identifying symptoms; it reveals helpful new research, hopeful new treatment advances and wise preventative strategies. It’s a must-read if you are a woman or if you are related to one!

We also dig deeper into the complex interrelationship between hormones, stress and environmental toxins in my interview with Martin Van Lear, MSN, FNP-C, titled “Women’s Wellness: New Tools for More Challenging Times” on page 23. Owner of Tree of Light Health, LLC, Martin is always a wellspring of cutting-edge information, and this discussion was especially enlightening and practical. I’m ordering a new supplement myself because of it!

Have you ever been told that hormone replacement therapy (HRT) increases the risk of cancer in women? The 2002 study that originated that perception has been superseded by numerous additional studies that tested HRT using bio-identical hormones—hormones that are made from plant estrogens and are chemically identical to those our bodies produce naturally. In comparison, the traditional hormones used in HRT are made from synthetic hormones and urine from pregnant horses, believe it or not. Read more about the benefits of BHRT in our Wise Words department on page 30.

As usual, in this issue, we share contributions from some of our illustrious local experts. Our indefatigable yoga editor, Sheila Ewers, immerses us in the myths and inspiring intentions of yoga’s Eagle Pose. Nichole Dandrea-Russert shares a full chapter from her new book, The Fiber Effect, helping us understand how probiotics and prebiotics help support gut health—now recognized as essential for a strong immune system and as a cornerstone of efforts to fend off chronic illnesses. Susan Gonzalez, owner of MOON Organics, offers her expertise about exfoliation best practices in “Exfoliation Revealed,” and Mindy Strich writes about her discovery that we have the power to “re-right” our histories in “Keep Dreaming.”

Enjoy! Here’s to your health, sanity, awakening and fulfillment of your dreams! ❧

Diane Eaton is managing editor of Natural Awakenings Atlanta
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