Taylor Wilshire in Atlanta for SOMA Experience
Jun 01, 2023 06:00AM ● By Staff
Taylor Wilshire, of La Jolla, California, will present The Kalki Soma Deeksha Experience on June 17 to share what she describes as a “shortcut to living more permanently in higher consciousness.” Wilshire is CEO of Wilshire Foundation and works closely with the U.N.’s 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda, a blueprint for addressing poverty, inequality, climate change, environmental degradation and more.
Wilshire presents a process called SOMA, in which “mystical substances are infused into water and made available for anyone seeking heightened states of living,” according to event producer Bhimi Cayce. It is “experienced as a ‘shortcut’ to living more permanently in higher consciousness. Beyond the mind’s comprehension, this upgrade is coming to support people shifting and transforming their consciousness as we are moving into the Golden Age.”
The results are instantaneous, says Cayce. “One feels the upliftment and expansion right after drinking this blessed water. Worldly and spiritual changes happen, as well as physical healing, resolution of problems, insights into one’s life and an extraordinary connection with the Divine.”
Everyone is welcome. “What is so incredibly magical about The Soma Deeksha Experience is that it has never been done before. It’s open to everyone. No matter what belief, faith or religion one has, their relationship with the Divine is heightened and more strongly experienced.”
The cost to attend is $78. The event will take place from 1:30 to 3 p.m. at the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Atlanta, located at 2650 N. Druid Hills Rd. in Atlanta.
For more information, visit SomaExperience.com and to register go to TicketTailor.com/Events/WilshireFoundation/899691.
For more information, visit SomaExperience.com and to register go to TicketTailor.com/Events/WilshireFoundation/899691.