A monthly event that offers a grounding practice within a compassionate and embracing community.
The structure of the class is based on skillful movements and somatic release. We will also use creative steps from Latin dances and yoga-postures to move, express our bodies, and calm the mind.
The Latin rhythms will be an invitation for self-discovery, a way to have fun and to connect, one step at a time.
We'll go from seating to enjoying walking meditation to challenge ourselves with some dance steps. We will go deeper into our yoga practice, share storytelling, and will close with a cup of tea and tasteful treats.
Led by Fabiana Pimenta and Lucrecia Vizcaino.
Come join us for this grounding and fun experience.
Date & Time
June 14, 2024
6:30PM - 8:30PM
Participating Businesses
Vista Yoga