Bach Flower Remedies: Vibration Healing For Body And Mind
Jul 01, 2021 06:00AM ● By Patricia Wallenburg
(Photo: Patricia Wallenburg)
Dr. Edward Bach was an English medical doctor in the early 20th century who saw disease as a physical manifestation of emotions. Bach felt that he could help patients if he could reduce emotional imbalances, which he believed were the causes of physical illness. As he became more dissatisfied with conventional medicine, he looked to nature to find healing remedies. In the early 1930s, Bach settled on 38 healing flowers and trees that would become his signature Bach Flower Remedies. They have been a valued healing modality to countless many throughout the world since then.
As a medical doctor, Dr. Bach worked in bacteria and virus research, but he was dissatisfied with that approach to illness and wanted to find something different and more complete. He started working with flowers and tested many plants before he found the right ones. He discovered that each plant addressed a specific emotional or mental component and used his intuition to find just the right plant. Holding his hands over each plant while feeling a particular emotion, he noted how he changed. He first collected dew drops from the plants, believing that they would contain the vibration needed. Later, he concluded that the dew did not contain enough of the essence of the plants to get the result he was seeking, so he began collecting the flowers.
Bach suggested that illness is a message from the body encouraging a change in one’s emotional and mental outlook. As a result, treating only the physical ailment is not enough; emotional factors need to be addressed, too. He pointed out that emotional imbalances lead to stresses that weaken the body, and physical illness can emerge as a result. Yet, as an emotional state gets more balanced, the body is better able to heal itself. To address our emotions, then, Bach organized the flower remedies into seven categories of emotional states: fear, uncertainty, lack of interest, loneliness, oversensitivity, despair and overanxiety for others’ welfare.
Bach left his medical practice in 1930 to continue his research into flower remedies. He spent the spring and summer months gathering and preparing plants and then tested them on people, for free, in the winters. He wanted to make sure that his remedies were kept as simple and accessible as possible, so once he was satisfied with his research and results, he burned his research notes. Before he died, he left very specific directions on how and when to make the remedies, and his assistants had to promise never to alter them. He felt strongly they were complete and his methods for creating them shouldn’t be changed.
How the Remedies Are Made
Bach Flower Remedies are considered a homeopathic healing method, in which a small dose of something that causes an illness is administered, encouraging the body to build its own defenses and heal itself. Hand-produced exclusively in England, Bach Flower Remedies are made from spring water that’s been infused with wild flowers, using either a sun method or the boiling method.
The sun method uses the flowers of blooms from late spring and early summer, which are placed on the surface of a glass bowl filled with fresh spring water. They are left in the sunshine for several hours. The boiling method involves placing flowers and stems in a pan, covering them with spring water and simmering them for 30 minutes. A twig of the same plant is used to remove the flowers, and the contents are filtered, ready for the next stage.
The remedies work on a vibrational level, which is why a small dose works so well. They are sometimes confused with essential oils since both are made from plants and capture the vibration of each plant. However, the production methods are entirely different, as are the resulting products.
How to Use the Remedies
The goal of the treatment is to peel away the layers of negative emotion until the core problem is uncovered, allowing it to be resolved. As layer after layer is healed, the underlying problem is revealed and can then be addressed.
The typical protocol is to choose from two to seven remedies. Add two drops from the main bottle into a personal bottle that is filled with water. Take four drops of the mixture at least four times a day—either in your beverage or on your tongue. There is no harm if you take it more often.
It was Bach’s wish that his flower remedies be accessible to everyone, and he encouraged people to make their own blends. To do so, search online for the Bach Remedies questionnaire and purchase the recommended remedies. Or you can consult with a registered Bach Remedy practitioner for a personalized blend.
Studies have found that flower essences are safe to use and don't conflict with any medications, according to WebMD. They are gentle but effective in assisting with emotional issues. They do not work on specific illnesses or diseases; instead, they can assist with healing the emotions that cause those conditions.
Bach Flower Remedies are considered safe for plants and animals and are recommended by some veterinarians. Animals have emotional imbalances as humans do, and the remedies can help relieve them. The treatment is the same. Plants benefit from remedies, especially if they have been pruned or transplanted. ❧

Owner of OAK Sanctuary in Kennesaw, Patricia Wallenburg received her training as a BACH Foundation registered practitioner at Bach’s home in England. She offers customized consultations in person or by phone. Call 404-903-4104 or visit