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Natural Awakenings Atlanta

Life Coaching: A Special Section

Jan 01, 2022 06:00AM ● By Staff

Awakening, at its heart, is about becoming all that we’re meant to be. There are many paths to this goal, and a fairly popular one these days is to rely on the assistance of a life coach. 

What all does that mean? Is life coaching for you? That’s what this special section of three articles and a sidebar is designed to do; help you answer these questions. 

Whether one relies on a life coach, a therapist, an accountability partner, a friend, a spiritual community, whatever, one thing is certain: the path of personal evolution is made much easier when traveled in the company of another. 

Enjoy exploring the idea of a life coach, and especially enjoy envisioning a new you!

Life Coaching: What Can It Do For You? 

Who can benefit from a life coach? Prime candidates are people who are in a funk and can’t figure out how to get out of it. Also, those who know what they want—in life, in relationships or in work—but have no idea how to get it. 

Top Reasons People Seek Life Coaching

We spoke to several coaches from Atlanta and around the world to find out some of the top reasons people seek the help of a life coach. The short answer: Gaining clarity, reaching goals, quelling the inner critic, manifesting, nurturing self-love, discovering life purpose, growing spiritually, building financial abundance. 

Life Coaching Success Stories

Life coaching clients and their journeys are as unique as fingerprints. We offer the stories of four individuals who were transformed by working with some of Atlanta’s most prominent life coaches.

7 Keys to Finding the Right Coach

A quick-read sidebar on things you’ll want to consider when conducting a search for a life coach.


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